“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” --- Albert Einstein
"The heart wants what the heart wants." --- Woody Allen

The Bill I am seeing the last couple of weeks is withdrawn and has drifted off perhaps in thoughts, perhaps in memories, or perhaps he has just drifted off in the clouds. Where do we go when we are "there?" The changes in routine, in eating, in skills, in speech, lethargy, flat affect, and signs that he is having pain trigger the nursing staff to investigate, so off to the Dr.'s office we go. Or as Bill puts it, "going to see the German." I have to tell you, not all of Bill's "nicknames" are quite this polite.

The Doctor, a scholarly healer with years of experience marked across his face, begins to engage Bill in conversation. "Professor?" he begins. Bill sits in his chair oblivious that the conversation is being directed at him. "Professor?" the doctor repeats. Bill's eyes remain fixed in space. "Honey," I turned towards Bill, using my finger to slowly draw his eyes to the physician. The doctor began asking Bill questions. Some he was able to answer with one or two words. Other times the words were jumbled, not related at all to inquiries.

Just be over... what would that mean?
Bill, I am so sorry. I got absorbed in a stage of grief. Sometimes it is difficult for me to break out of my world and imagine more out there. I am starting to pull it back together- identifying the source of the sadness is a difficult process. I am trying so hard to make it through this. It's very difficult to watch the father of my only child go through such hell. We've been married for 26 years this week. I loved you through most of those twenty six years. For twenty six years I uprooted myself, uprooted our son, to support you, to serve you as wife til death do us part.