Friday, July 8, 2011

The transition

The packing is all done. The trucks have come and gone. We've slept here in our first and favorite house for a couple of weeks, now. Most of the boxes have been unpacked and things are beginning to find homes. My courses are set up and I have officially been in session for two days. My office area isn't organized yet, but I have been doing my live sessions from the sun room. It's nice back there. It's always had a warm, cozy feeling.

Bill is adapting quite well and I am so happy. He is remembering where things are. He rides his bike around town. He is going to be able to maintain his independence a lot longer and safer here. The move really pushed us. Painfully at times. My mom came the last month to help me with packing and with keeping Bill company (and safe. He loves to drive. Scary in the city.) We are there, things are coming together, boxes are slowly disappearing, and the house is beginning to gain back that unique cross between the Beatles and nature lifestyle that Bill and I take such pride in participating. It's good, and it's getting better. There are sections that are flat out scary. Blame it on the strokes, lol. (Attn: Barb. That was for you, doll.)

On the last day of work, several of my favorite people from work came to say goodbye. I didn't capture everyone on film and I thank all of you for coming.

Dave is one of the best special education teachers I have ever worked with. I love Dave for many reasons: I love his dedication to the kids. I love his dedication and commitment to his family. Dave is a man of high morals. He sets his standards high and abides by them. I have such admiration of his honesty. I also admire his love for mother earth. I learned so much about forgiving, for looking for the best in people, and for learning to "give it to the universe."

Then there is my sweet friend, Barb. Barb is absolutely sister material. Right now she is cursing me for putting her picture on my blog. Barb has this heart made of gold. She has a natural way with the kids, and they adore her. She is on her way back to school for the second year. She needed someone to believe in her, and I couldn't help but believe in her. I see her goodness. Her uniqueness. Her ability to overcome everything that stops people from following their dreams, and she leaps over tall buildings in a single bound. Ok, maybe not that, but the girl can go from standing on the floor to standing on the table in one giant step. Amazing.

So the last day of school, all the materials are in boxes, all the I's are dotted and the t's are crossed in final reports. All Medicaid billing is done. The company end of year picnic is over (it was freezing, by the way.) I am taken to one of my two favorite mom and pop beer joints (one of my favorite terms used by my dad). The bar tender made me a yooper's version of long island iced tea. It melted the gold caps in my teeth. Seven straight shots. Holy. Tammy, my favorite bar tender from Joe's, helped coach the bar tender at Dan's. I think there may have been some sort of a conspiracy to get me to dance on the table top. I was able to avoid that temptation this time. America's funniest videos my ars. Luckily I was able to capture this photo of Tammy giving a vivid demonstration of an exercise designed to eliminate double and triple chins. I don't know. Her husband just sat there and grinned. Poor Shelly watched and got a little bit confused, grabbed Barb, and, well, you can see the surprise on poor sweet Barb's face.
Eegads, can't take these two gals anywhere. No social mores, lol.

Shelly took it very personal- as a hugs triumph in flooring her buddy, Barb. Shelly, you win!

In the mean time, Dave and I are on the beach making lesson plans for next year if you need me. I wish. What a great job I have had for the past five years. Thanks for teaching me to slow down, soak in what God has to offer you every day, stop and smell the roses, and so on.